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Avimor Trails and Outdoors Landscape

Trails Notice-SEASONAL TRAIL CLOSURES. Maps below.

Avimor seasonal trail closures will be effective from December 1st, 2024 - March 31st, 2025. Please see below for the updated Seasonal Closure trail maps. Please note that open trails vary by use. Hikers and bikers may use any of the open trails depicted on the map.  

OHV riders* may use only the trails depicted as open on the OHV Seasonal Closure map below. There is no trail access for OHVs on the east side of the highway during this period. *Attention OHV Riders: You must have a valid annual permit to ride trails at Avimor. Below are links to submit for an annual permit. If this is your first time filling out the google form you will be required to come into the Avimor Administration Office and show ID to keep on file. Once on file, the permission slip will then be sent out by email. Please allow 4 days prior to needing the permit. Annual permits are only available to current Avimor residents. 

Trail Rules & Etiquette


Introducing the new trail map in your Avimor app. Whether you’re at home planning your next adventure or out on the trails, all of the information you need is at your fingertips. Explore your community’s trails with confidence knowing the trail map is always accessible in your pocket. You can find the new map on the Home Feed of the Avimor community app. 

You can continue to find other points of interest at Avimor using the Map icon in the top right corner of Home Feed. The new Avimor trail map lets you find trails based on your interests. Browse hiking, biking, equestrian, and off road trails, and find important seasonal closure information. Each trail also includes a difficulty rating and trail length. You can easily check your progress using the map’s location feature to see how close you’re getting to your destination.

If you’re curious about nearby mountain peaks, the trail map has you covered there, too! Find mountain names and locations by tapping the mountain icon on the map. Toggle the map between a topographic relief view and satellite imagery to ensure you’re prepared for
whatever you encounter. You can also measure distances and see and export coordinates easily all from your community’s map.

Rules of the trails :

  • Only ride on designated trails
  • Avoid muddy trails. If you’re making tracks turn back
  • Don’t cut corners or curves
  • Obey all temporary or permanent trail closures
  • Control your speed. Don’t slide or skid
  • Don’t trespass on private land
  • Use dog leashes on trails unless you’re in an off-leash designated area
  • Pick-up after your pets
  • No motorized vehicles without Avimor permission
  • Bikers to yield to pedestrians and equestrian
  • All users to yield to wildlife and livestock
  • Downhill bikers yield to uphill bikers
  • Motorized users cut engines when yielding to wildlife, livestock, or equestrian users
  • Always announce your presence when passing


Avimor Stewardship Organization, Inc.

The Avimor development is deeply committed to the restoration and revegetation of key habitats for birds, insects, and wildlife. We are passionate about preserving the ecosystem of the foothills, and our development reflects our effort to live in harmony with nature. That is why we created the Avimor Stewardship Organization. It sponsors programs and activities to preserve and protect the environmentally sensitive areas in Avimor. It also creates a sense of "Community" by sponsoring programs and fun activities that get the residents involved in the community and with each other.

Avimor Homeowner's Guide to Living with Wildlife

Living at Avimor will offer you an amazing opportunity to experience native plant communities and wildlife right in your own backyard. However, those living in this beautiful location are also responsible for protecting its integrity and wildlife value.  We must educate others on the ecology of the area and engage in good stewardship practices, which is why every homeowner in Avimor receives a copy of the Avimor Homeowner's Guide to Living with Wildlife. This handbook emphasizes the fact that the decisions we make with respect to our own backyards will affect the neighboring wildlife and associated habitat. Good stewardship practices such as planting native vegetation for landscaping, restricting the use of foothills trails during winter months, using organic fertilizers, and maintaining bird feeders will not only reduce impacts on wildlife but will also bring you many hours of enjoyment.

Avimor Conservation Easement

Avimor and the Ada Soil & Water Conservation District have designated approximately 400 acres of Avimor property as a permanent conservation easement. This property is valuable for its natural wildlife, recreational, and scenic value, and it will remain undeveloped in perpetuity. 

Noxious Weeds

They are the uninvited guests who never leave...noxious weeds.  View Avimor Guide to Living with Wildlife: Click Here

  • The Ada County Noxious Weed website has good information on control efforts: Click Here
  • More information can be found on the Idaho Department of Agriculture site: Click Here
Native Plants

Using native plant species for your landscaping needs is ideal. Native plants are already adapted to the foothill's climate and soil type, and they exist in balance with other plants and animals.  As a result, native plants will generally require less water and maintenance and will be more resistant to insects and diseases than exotic plants. Native plants can also eliminate the need for herbicides and chemical fertilizers, which helps protect the soil and water from contamination. View List of Native Boise Foothills Plants. The Garden for Wildlife website from the National Wildlife Federation is a great resource for any learning more about creating wildlife habitat in their own yard.

Butterfly Gardens

Many butterfly species and other pollinating insects are selective of the flowers they feed on. For example, Monarch caterpillars exclusively require milkweed plants. Swallowtails are attracted to parsnip, parsley, dill, fennel, and celery. A large number of butterflies are also attracted to blanket flowers, mallows, trilliums, clarkia, and wild strawberries. In general, ornate-aromatic species with colorful flowers will be used by many native pollinators.

Avimor Birding

More than 150 bird species have been documented at Avimor. This list of all bird species seen in the area is being compiled by residents, employees, contractors, and visitors of Avimor. We are confident that as riparian and shrub steppe areas are restored with native vegetation, populations of native birds will return and thrive. We can use your help in tracking our progress, and we request that you let us know of any special sightings of birds.

Firewise is a national program that involves homeowners, community leaders, planners, developers, and others in the effort to protect people, property, and natural resources from the risk of wildland fire -  before a fire starts. Learn more

We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns. We'd love to hear from you. Read more about Wildlife Wonderland at Avimor

Best Birding Locations at Avimor

  • Spring Valley Creek Greenbelt
    • Running parallel to Highway 55 is Spring Valley Creek. Along the east bank is a paved trail which provides easy access to great elevated views over the trees and shrubs along the creek. Perfect for viewing and photographing birds.

  • Heritage Park
    • Heritage Park is surrounded by riparian area on all sides. Paved walkways here make for easy access as you make your way around the park enjoying the variety of plant life playing host to the diversity of bird life.

  • Twisted Spring Trailhead Pond
    • In spring, this shallow pond is a favorite of ducks and shorebirds. The cottonwood stand north of the pond regularly hosts nesting Red-tailed Hawks. The bushes around the pond are great places to find a huge variety of songbirds.

  • Twisted Spring & Spring Valley Creek Trails
    • One of Avimor's most scenic and enjoyable hikes. There is great birding along the whole trail. Once you get into the steep rocky areas be on the lookout for Canyon and Rock Wrens, maybe even Chukar.

  • Avimor Town Lake
    • The pond attracts ducks, geese, herons, kingfishers, swallows, and nighthawks. The trees around the ponds are often decorated with several kinds of birds.

  • Pearl Road Drive
    • The drive along Pearl Road from the top of Horseshoe Bend summit all the way to the historic site of the mining town of Pearl, then to Willow Creek Rd is both scenic and birdy. Look for Sage Thrashers and Eastern Kingbirds in Spring and Summer.

  • Chinese Well Riparian Area
    • On the west side of Hwy 55, across from the construction trailer, is a private access area, but has been a great location for rare birds including a Rusty Blackbird, nesting Long-eared Owls, and a regular spot for Gray Partridge. The lower portion is marshy and the upper section is craggy with hackberry trees. See Robert at the Avimor office for a guided tour of this area.

  • Historic Toll Gate Ranch
    • Intrepid hikers or mountain bikers can make it into the Avimor backcountry. Several creeks and trails all intersect at the historic Toll Gate Ranch on old Cartwright Road. The area is pretty lush for desert hills and attracts all kinds of wildlife.

Firewise Community

Firewise Status:

Avimor has been designated as a Firewise community in accordance with the national Firewise Communities program. This program is a multi-agency effort designed to reach beyond the local fire service provided by the Eagle Fire Department and the Bureau of Land Management. To date, Avimor has mowed and applied herbicide on approximately 92 acres of natural open space to reduce the amount and continuity of fuels within, and adjacent to, the community. Proactive work such as this will continue to grow on a yearly basis. Avimor has also held a series of meetings with both the Eagle Fire Department and the Bureau of Land Management to develop effective strategies to prevent wildfires around the community.

Avimor Fire Plan

As part of the Firewise development requirements, Avimor developed a Fire and Vegetation Management Plan. This plan provides guidelines for how the Avimor homeowners, the HOA, and the Avimor Conservation Director can reduce the potential risk of wildfire and improve the health and stability of the surrounding vegetation and wildlife.

Check out for more information.

Trail Information

  • 1. Willow Creek Trail 3.1 miles. Narrow single track. Several short, challenging rock sections, bridges, and a tough finishing climb. A great out & back ride or loop through Sheep Rock and back to Spring Valley Creek.
  • 2Ricochet Trail 1.0 miles. Narrow exposed single track. Several short and challenging rock sections. A great way to access Shooting Range after Spring Valley Creek.
  • 3. Whistling Pig 0.3 miles. Easy fun single track connecting Shooting Range with Spring Valley Creek. Great loop with views close to neighborhood.
  • 4. Bovine Nirvana 1.3 miles. Narrow and technically challenging single track. Difficult up and down. Be on your game!
  • 5. Shooting Range: - 1.6 miles. Twisty single track. Moderate climbing, big rewards. Several technical sections with rocks and a steep creek crossing. Connect with Bovine and Willow up to Sheep Rock for a long loop.
  • 6. Pick Your Poison: - 1.0 miles. Black Diamond. Downhill mountain bike traffic only.
  • 7. Knecht Loop: - 0.4 miles. Moderately easy single-track loop.  Steep climbs and descents with great views.
  • 9. Spring Valley Creek Trail: - 3.5 miles. Flowing single track. Several rock gardens near the bottom. Trail follows Spring Valley creek. One of the best trails in the network.  Best looped with Burnt Car & Harlows Hollows.
  • 9a. Twisted Spring Trail: -0.75 miles. Twisty single track on the South side of Spring Valley Creek. Good trail for beginners.
  • 10. Burnt Car Draw Trail: - 3.1 miles. 2 track road. One monster climb at the 1.5-mile mark. Future plans to add single track south of the road.
  • 11. Broken Horn Road: - No longer accessible.
  • 12. Fisher Lane (Broken Horn Trail): -No longer accessible.
  • 13. Fiddle Neck Ridge: - 3 miles. Dirt two track with steep climbs and descents. Connects to Hidden Springs Community to the south.
  • 14. Stack Rock Ridge Trail: - 3 miles. Not currently recommended. Recent land purchase by the Treasure Valley Land Trust. Should have new trail connection to the Stack Rock Trails in place in the near future.
  • 15. Baun's Eye Trail: - 2 miles. Easy fun single track with great views.
  • 16. Harlow Hollows: - 1.3 miles. Exposed, narrow single track with a rock drop. Best ridden downhill from Burnt Car back to Spring Valley Creek.
  • 16a. Harlow Hollow Connector: - 0.9 miles. Exposed, narrow single track with a rock drop. Best ridden downhill from Burnt Car back to Spring Valley Creek

​Always wear a helmet, ride responsibly and with caution, as trail conditions are subject to change and varied degrees of interpretation!

For more information on trails, please contact Avimor's Conservation Director, Zoe Duran, at (720) 771-2096,  or speak with our Sales Specialists by calling (208) 939-5360. 

Special thanks to our friends and trail partners at SWIMBA. The great folks at SWIMBA have dedicated lots of volunteer hours and effort in creating and maintaining the awesome trails at Avimor.

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